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Generation Tech: Informing Parents about Post-High School Tech Careers


In Collaboration with Texas State Technical College (TSTC)

Do you know what your child wants to be in the future? What does your child hope to achieve? The goal of this program is to inform parents about the option of high-tech careers. 

During the 15-minute video, host TSTC Chancellor Mike Reeser will discuss how students can find great paying essential careers in a shorter amount of time depending on the college pathways they choose. You’ll be surprised and motivated by the possibilities for your student!


Newly Added - Generation TECH: Career Day

An 8-minute video discussing how students can find great paying, essential careers in a shorter amount of time depending on the college pathways they choose, hosted by TSTC. Schedule a time to host a Career Day on your campus and utilize this video as an option to supplement your Career Day offerings.

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